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Spring Maintenance

Set yourself up for a stress-free spring by tackling your home maintenance early. Here are five things you can do now.

  • Windows & Doors
    • Clean windows and check weather stripping.
    • Check caulking and seal any gaps.
    • Examine and install screens.
  • Safety
    • Check fire detectors and carbon monoxide, and change batteries if necessary.
  • Outside of your home
    • Clean gutters of any debris
    • Examine roof shingles to see if any were lost or damaged over the winter
    • Power wash desk, porches and siding
    • Check outside faucets for freeze damage
  • Check the Attic
    • Look for any signs of water (staining or damage)
  • Keep things running smoothly
    • Change your furnace filter
    • Clean HRV filter with hot soapy water
    • If you have an AC Unit, have it serviced if necessary